понедельник, 23 марта 2020 г.

Дистанційне навчання для учнів 4-х класів

Завдання під час карантину для учнів 4-х класів 

4-А 25.03.20
1.     Переглянути відеоурок «Ступені порівняння прикметників»
2.     Прочитати та перекласти с.106 в.1
3.     Виконати письмово с.107 в.2
     4-А 27.03.20
1.     Виконати письмово с.107.в3(а,b)
2.     Опрацювати лексику с.109 в.1,2
3.     Читати та перекладати в.3 с.109-110

Весела перерва

https://en.islcollective.com/video-lessons/minions-comparative -перегляд відео з завданнями, утворення вищого ступеня порівняння, використовуючи слово для порівняння двох предметів than -ніж

30.03.20 - 03.04.20
https://sch2english.at.ua/load/audiododatok/1-1-0-1 аудіододаток до підручника.
(за цим посиланням ви шукаєте свій підручник та аудіовправи )
 Аудіододаток до підручника 4 класу (нова програма, 4 - 6 розділи)  

1.     Повторити лексику с.109 в.1,2. Вставити пропущені літери:
A tropi…al for…st, the E…rth, an o…ean, a des…rt, d..y, a pl…nt.
2. Закріпити правила утворення ступенів порівняння прикметників( див. попередній тиждень) Виконати письмово с.111 в.4.(вибрати з дужок правильний варіант) , с.111 в.5 ( скласти правдиві речення про Україну за зразком, використовуючи подані словосполучення).

1.     Опрацювати нову лексику с.112 в.1,2(слова записувати у словник)(прослухати правильну вимову слів в аудіододатку).

2.     Прочитати, перекласти, виконати письмово завдання після тексту (скласти по тексту правдиві речення ) с.113-114 в.3a), b).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk8zDjQT0aE -  Kids vocabulary - Geography – Nature -  English educational video( словничок по темі)

Весела перерва

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRJUGl1a1t8 Rain Rain Go Away - поспівати пісеньку.


1. Опрацювати нову лексику с.116 в.1,2 та с.119 в.1. Виділені слова переписати у словник з транскрипцією та перекладом, вивчити .
Прослухати до вправ Аудіододаток до підручника 4 класу (нова програма, 4 - 6 розділи)  

2. Повторити назви домашніх тварин ,переглянувши відео.

3. Прочитати та перекласти с.116 в.2, с.117 в.3

Дистанційне навчання для учнів 8-х класів

Завдання під час карантину для учнів 8-х класів

8-А 24.03.20
8-Б 24.03.20
8-В 23.03.20
1. Опрацювати лексику в підручнику с.183
2. Виконати письмово вправу с.183 в.3
3. Прочитати та перекласти текст , виконати тест після тексту.

  Newspaper is a publication that presents and comments on the news. Newspapers play an important role in shaping public opinion and informing people of current events.
  The first newspapers were probably handwritten newssheets posted in public places. The earliest daily newssheets was ''Acta Diurna'' (''Daily Events'') which started in Rome in 59 B. C. The first printed newspaper was Chinese publication called ''Dibao'' (''Ti-pao'') started in A. D. 700's. It was printed from carven wooden blocks. The first regularly published newspaper in Europe was ''Avisa Relation'' or ''Zeitung'', started in Germany in 1609.
   Newspapers have certain advantages over other mass media – magazines, TV and radio. Newspaper can cover more news and in much detail than TV and radio newscasts can do. Magazines focus on major national and international of the preceding week. But newspaper focuses on local news as well and provides information and comments faster than magazine can do.
  There are about 1.700 daily and 7.500 weekly newspapers in the US. The circulation of some weeklies is no more than a few hundred of copies per issue and the circulation of some dailies is over a million of copies.
  There are daily newspapers and weekly newspapers. Daily newspapers print world, national and local news. Many dailies are morning papers, others are afternoon papers. Sunday issues of the dailies are usually larger than the weekday ones. They may include special sections on such topics as entertainment, finance and travel or Sunday magazine, a guide to TV programs, colored comics. The major dailies in the USA are ''Christian Science Monitor'', ''New York Times'', '' USA Today'', ''Wall Street Journal'', ''Washington Post''.
  Weekly newspapers serve usually for smaller areas. They are printed in small communities where people know each other and are interested in activities of their friends and neighbours. Weeklies report of weddings, births, deaths and news of local business and politics. Most weeklies do not print world or national news.

2)  Choose the right answer. (Обрати правильну відповідь)
1. Newspaper is a publication that presents
and comments on_      .
a)    the news;
b)   the adventures;
c)    the political events;

2. The first newspapers were probably hand-
written newssheets posted in_      .
a)    shops;
b)   streets;
c)    public places;

3. The first regularly published newspaper in
Europe started in_      in 1609.
a)    Germany;
b)   Great Britain;
c)    France;
4. There are about_     newspapers in the US.
a)    1.600 daily and 7.400 weekly;
b)   1.800 daily and 8.500 weekly;
c)    1.700daily and 7.500 weekly;

5. _   of the dailies are usually larger than the
weekday ones.
a)    Saturday issues;
b)   Sunday issues;
c)    Monday issues;

6. _   serve usually for smaller areas.
a)    Monthly newspapers;
b)   Weekly newspapers;
c)    Daily newspapers;

7. Most weeklies do not print_    .
a)    news of local business and politics;
b)   world or national news;
c)    news of weddings, births, deaths.

8-А 26.03.20
8-Б 26.03.20
8-В 25.03.20
1.     Опрацювати лексику в підручнику с.186
2.     Прочитати та перекласти текст по темі «Газети та журнали в Україні» с.185-186
3.     Виконати тестове завдання с.187-188 в.4
4.     Дати письмові відповіді с.188 в.5

8-Б 27.03.20
8-В 26.03.20
1.     Прочитати біографію українського журналіста, дати письмово відповіді на запитання( з поясненнями).
Andriy Tsaplienko, a journalist, presenter and filmmaker of TV channel “Inter” was born on the 12th of October in 1968 in Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Andriy Tsaplienko is a well-known Ukrainian journalist, presenter and scriptwriter. He was the first and sometimes only Ukrainian journalist in many conflicts and hot spots. He has reported extensively and authoritatively on many of world’s major news stories over recent years. He started his career in television in 1989 from a position of a light master in his hometown television. Then after he worked as a regional reporter for TV channel “Orion”.
In 1997 moved to Kiev and next year he had joined TV channel “Inter”. Since 1999 he has released several weekly projects “N-kilometer”, “In the firing line”, “Special correspondent”.
In 2001 he had filed exclusive reports for TV channel Inter from Afghanistan covering stories on different sides of the conflict including Taliban fighters and Northern Alliance factions. As a war correspondent he covered many conflicts including wars in Macedonia, Iraq, Cote d’Ivoire, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Ossetia, Kashmir, Liberia, Burundi, Colombia.
He was awarded Order “For a courage”, Medal “20 years of troops’ withdrawal from Afghanistan”, I. Franko State Award, “Best screenplay” Award in XIII Bar International TV festival (Montenegro) for the film “Dope. Champions’ factory”, “TV triumph” annual National Award, nomination “Journalist, reporter”.
1.      Is it always safe to be a journalist?
2.     Do you think that a journalist’s life is full of adventures?
3.     Has Andriy Tsaplienko visited many countries?
4.     What does he usually write about?
5.      Andriy Tsaplienko has got lots of awards. How does it characterize him?

2.     Робота з лексикою.  Зробити переклад наступних слів англійською мовою відповідно до в.2 с.185-186:
• незалежна держава, зростати, публікувати, старанно, серед, періодичні видання, приватний, заняття, професія, місцеве видання, відрізнятись, зміст, звертатися, гарантувати, чиновник, суспільство, редактор, на практиці, забезпечувати.

Enjoy the time of learning English

https://en.islcollective.com/video-lessons/the-biscuit-thief - кумедне відео для повторення Past Simple.

30.03.20 – 03.04.20 8-А,Б,В.
1. Опрацювати лексику p.189
2. Прослухати аудіoдодаток  p.189 Ex.1 Lesson1 Unit 4 
3. Завершити речення після прослуховування.
4. Переглянути відео
5 .Прочитати та перекласти p.190 Ex.3. Заповнити таблицю.

1.Дати відповіді на запитання p.191 Ex.5
2.Опрацювати лексику p.197.
3.Прочитати та перекласти відгуки підлітків про читання газет та журналів p.195 Ex.3.
Переглянути журнали для підлітків в Україні (для прикладу на цьому сайті https://ditvora.com.ua/zhurnaly-dlya-shkolyariv)
обрати улюблений, або той, який хотів би читати.
4.Написати короткий e-mail (7-8 речень) про улюблений журнал чи газету, враховуючи такі питання:
- What is the title?
- Is it daily. weekly or monthly publication?
- How large is it and how many pages does it consist of?
- What does it look like?
- What is the most interesting part of it?
- Why is it better than others?
- What kinds of readers may be interested in?
- What reputation does this newsparer or magazine have?

06.04.20 - 10.04.20  8-А,Б,В.

Тиждень домашнього читання. Homereading.
1.Прочитати текст на с.233-235 в.1a)b) "Nellie Bly", перекласти та виконати письмово В.3. с.236
2. Перед початком читання опрацювати лексику с.233, 234
3. https://sch2english.at.ua/load/audiododatok/1-1-0-1 -прослухати аудіододаток до тексту
 та подивитися відео.

13.04.20 - 17.04.20 8-А,Б,В

1.     Повторення граматичних правил: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect. Перегляд відеоуроку.
 Таблиця всіх часів англійської мови  https://grammarway.com/ua/all-verb-tenses
2.     Виконати В.3 с.192  (записати цифру і букву).
3.     Закріплення лексики по темі « Засоби масової інформації».
Скласти письмово по 2 речення на кожне з правил(див. п.1) зі словами : a correspondent, to print, to deliver, a journalist, to increase, to subscribe to, a heading, amazing, to establish, a gadget, creativity, to cater. Слова у реченнях підкреслити.

4.     Перечитати текст Nelly Bly” та пройти тест на платформі «На Урок»

8-А До 14.04 до 16: 00Код доступу 911030 відкривши посилання join.naurok.ua

8-Б До 14.04 до 15: 00Код доступу 588616 відкривши посилання join.naurok.ua

8-В До 14.04 до 15: 00Код доступу 879987 відкривши посилання join.naurok.ua

Дистанційне навчання для учнів 7- х класів

Завдання під час карантину для учнів 7- х класів

1.     Опрацювати лексику в підручнику с.149 по темі «Театр»
2.     Прочитати та перекласти діалог с.148-149 в.1; дати письмово відповіді на запитання.
3.     Переглянути відео про театр «Глобус». https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCJCXD0wDiE
4.     Виконати письмово с.149 в.2(вставити слова)

24.03.20 7-В
25.03.20. 7-А
     1. Опрацювати біографію Шекспіра с.179 в.1(читати і перекладати)
         Перегляд відео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPBkK7yWCp8
      2. Дати письмові відповіді на запитання після тексту.
      3. Виконати тестове завдання (True/False)(Правда/Неправда)
1. Shakespeare was born in the 17th century.
2. William got a good education in London.
3. William married late.
4. William had three children.
5. His wife Anne Hathaway loved theatre very much.
6. Shakespeare  never acted on the stage.
7. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, 154 sonnets.
8. Shakespeare died in London.
27.03.20  7-А,В
   1. Робота з підручником с.180-181 в.2 (читати та перекладати текст)
   2. Письмове завдання с.182 в.4

30.03.20 – 03.03.20  7-А,В
 Підсумок з теми « Кіно.Театр.»
Read  the text
‘Elizabethan Theatre’

In Shakespeare's times rich people employed companies of actors. There were no actresses. Young women's parts were played by boys and older women's parts were played by the company's clowns. All the actors were at the same time musicians and dancers.
Actors first began performing to the public in inn yards. The first theatre was built by James Burbage. It was simply called the Theatre. Burbage's son Richard became the country's leading actor who played a lot of parts in Shakespeare plays.
The Elizabethan Theatre usually was a round building with the stage in the centre open to the sky with a central area for a standing audience. People bought seats in the galleries round the sides. If the weather was too bad, there was no performance.

The English Renaissance Theatre declined after the death of Shakespeare.

Are  the statements  true or false?
1) In Shakespeare's times poor people employed companies of actors. --------
2) Young women played boys' parts. ----------            
3) All the actors were at the same time musicians and dancers. ---------- 
4) The first theatre was simply called the Theatre. ----------
5) The Elizabethan Theatre usually was a round building with the stage in the centre open to  the sky with a central area for a standing audience. ---------      
6) The performance took place in any weather. ------------

Shakespeare’s Crossword     (12 words) 

Check yourself ( Перевір себе)

1 1).  Read  the text and do the tasks

An American Thomas Edison made the first machine with moving pictures in 1891. It was called a kinetoscope.
Then in 1895 a machine that projected pictures on to a screen was  invented by two French brothers, Auguste and Louis Lumiere. They called their machine a cinematographe. The pictures from machine were shown one after another very quickly. The Lumierebrothers gave the world’s first public film show in 1896.
In the beginning films were made to show news. But by 1902 film makers began to write stories for films and use actors. The first “talkie” was shown in America in 1927. It was called  “The jazz Singer”.
There are many different kinds of films: features films, animated cartoons, documentary or popular science films, westerns, comedies, historical, musical, horror films, newsreels and a lot of others.
Making a film is very difficult and complicated. Many people work at a film studio and  take part in the film shooting. They are a producer, a scriptwriter, a cameraman, actors and actresses.
We see films either at the cinema or on TV. From time to time we go to the cinema. We buy tickets at the box – office beforehand. Near the cinema we can see a cinema bill where we can read what films are on the show begins.
Cinema is loved by people in all the countries. That is why nearly every year different film festivals are held. The most popular of them are film festivals in Cannes and in Odessa. The best films win “Oscar” or “Gold Duke”, the most talented actors and actresses are awarded with prizes.
a)Decide if the given statements  “True” or “False”. Correct the false statements.
1.                A French Thomas Edison made the first machine with moving pictures in 1891.
2.                The pictures from machine were shown one after another very quickly.
3.                The first “talkie” was shown in England in 1927.
4.                Making a film is very easy and simple.
5.                We buy tickets at the box – office beforehand.
6.                Nearly every year different film festivals are held.
           7.                We see films either at the cinema or on TV.
b)Answer the questions:
1.     How was called the first machine with moving pictures in 1891?
2.     When did the Lumiere brothers give the world’s first public film show?
3.     How was called the first “talkie” film?
4.     What kinds of films do you know? Name them.
5.     Who works on making a film? Name them.
6.     Where do we buy tickets?
7.     What prizes are the best films awarded?

  TEST(Самостійна робота)

1  .     Match the words with their definitions. Translate these words.
A comedy, the stalls, a box office, a cast, a script,  a stage
1)    A place where you can buy tickets is …
2)    A film that makes you laugh is …
3)    All the performers in a show …
4)    The words of a film or a play…
5)    An area in the theatre on which actors perform is …
6)    The main seats in the theatre (not at a higher level) …

 Переглянути відеоуроки (повторення граматики)

2.     Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form (Present Simple, Past Simple or Past Perfect).
1)    The students usually _________ (to visit) the theatre twice  a year.
2)    The play __________ (to start) before we ________ (to find) our seats in the theatre hall.
3)    Susan _________ (to watch) a new film in the cinema yesterday evening.
4)    From the very first minute I _______ (to be) impressed by the actors’ acting and music.
5)     Steve ________ (not, to buy) tickets , because he didn’t have enough money.

3.     Look at the ticket and answer the questions.
„A Dog’s Way Home”
A dog travels 400 miles in search of her owner

            SUN 27.01.2019

Row 10
Seat 12

Price 85 hrn

1.     When did you go to the cinema last time? Which cinema did you go to?
2.     What film did you watch?
3.     When did the film start?
4.     How much did the ticket cost?
5.     Where did you have your seat?
6.     What is this film about?

06.04.20 - 10.04.20  7-А,В

 1. Починаємо вивчення нової теми "Великобританія та інші англомовні країни"
Подумайте та запишіть, які англомовні країни ви знаєте.(Це країни, в яких англійська є рідною мовою.)
2.Прочитайте та перекладіть текст про Лондон.


London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Its population is about 8 million people.
London is situated on the both banks of the river Thames. Today in its full extent Greater London covers 625 square miles. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: The City, Westminster, The West End. Numerous banks , offices and firms are situated there. It is the financial centre of the UK, with many banks offices and Stock Exchange.
Westminster is the historic centre of government. The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, shops, restaurants and theatres are situated there. There are beautiful houses and gardens belonging to the wealthy people. Oxford Street in the West End is the endless shopping area which attracts visitors from all over the world.
The East End is the poorest part of London. There are a lot of Factories and docks here. The port of London is also in the East End. The street in the East End are narrow, the buildings are not attractive. The East End is populated by working class families.

3. Переглянути відеопрезентацію та виписати назви визначних місць. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4hYasLIt7k&feature=emb_logo